Congratulations on being a 2024 OnCon Icon Team Award Winner!
Please use the information and assets on this page to further promote your team's accomplishment.
You may also engage and re-share our LinkedIn and Twitter/X posts.
To see the complete list of the 2024 OnCon Icon Team Award winners, please visit this link.
Winners have been decided and determined through peer and community voting. Voters are instructed to select teams they have seen make a significant impact on their own organization or within the broader industry, contribute to their professional community through thought leadership, drive innovation, and demonstrate exceptional leadership.
Important Note: When opening the google drive links. Find the grid view at the top right, so you can see which image to click on.

Download Your Team Award Winner Badge At The Following Link. Once you click the link, click the appropriate image on the link to open and download. You may use this badge in any way you choose.
Click the link above, find your appropriate badge by track and Top 100, 50, 10, or Winner of the Year, and download it.

Download Your Team Award Winner Banner At The Following Link:
Click the link, open the appropriate folder find your winner banner, and download it.
Or you may edit the below team award winner banner template. To edit these templates, click here:
You must create a free Canva account to edit. *OnConferences cannot assist with this aspect in any way.

You may also add a banner to your LinkedIn: Click the following link to find your appropriate LinkedIn banner:
Download the appropriate image. Navigate to your LinkedIn. Click the edit icon on your banner at the top (highlighted in red below). Upload your downloaded image and save.

Ways to share your team award status and thank those that voted:
1. Social Posts (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) You can use the following hashtags if you'd like #onconiconawards #onconferences #oncon2024
2. Emails to team, company, network.
3. Share with your PR team or communications teams. They can share/promote on your behalf.
Text examples that you can use to repost. You may also put your own spin on any of these, and please also feature your award badge or banner.
1. Text if You Don't Like Self Promotion:
"I'd like to congratulate our entire team on receiving this year's [INSERT AWARD NAME]. There are some outstanding teams on this year's award list - honored to be among them. Thank you to all who voted! #OnConIconAwards #OnConferences"
2. Text for Celebrating Collaboration:
"Thrilled to share that our team has been recognized with this year's [INSERT AWARD NAME]! 🎉 This honor is a testament to the power of collaboration, teamwork, and the amazing group of individuals I’ve had the privilege to work alongside. To my teammates and colleagues, this award is for all of us. Thank you to everyone who voted! Let's continue making great things happen together! 🚀 #Teamwork #Gratitude #OnConIconAwards #OnConferences"
3. Text Acknowledging Team Contribution:
"Excited to announce that our team is a recipient of the [INSERT AWARD NAME]. This award truly reflects the hard work, dedication, and talent of each and every member. It’s a shared achievement that highlights the incredible teamwork we've put in together. Thanks to all who voted! 🚀 #TeamSuccess #OnConIconAwards #OnConferences"
4. Text for Reflecting on the Journey:
"Honored to share that our team has been awarded the [INSERT AWARD NAME]. 🌟 This journey has been full of challenges, growth, and valuable learning experiences, and I’m grateful for the support of every teammate and colleague. This award symbolizes the collective effort we’ve all contributed. Thank you to all who voted! Looking forward to continuing this journey and making an even bigger impact together! #Gratitude #Journey #OnConIconAwards #OnConferences"
5. Text Emphasizing Impact and Innovation:
"Excited to announce that our team has received the [INSERT AWARD NAME]! 🌟 This recognition is about the collective impact and innovation we’ve driven together as a team. From breakthrough projects to pushing boundaries, I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. Thank you for your vote! #TeamImpact #Innovation #Grateful #OnConIconAwards #OnConferences"
Customizable Press Release:
More About OnConferences:
OnConferences is a thriving community of top executives, uniting leaders across 12 categories: HR, Marketing, Legal, Technology, Finance, Operations, L&D, Data & Analytics, Information Security, DEI, Supply Chain & Procurement, and Talent Acquisition. Membership offers exclusive access to monthly online roundtable discussions and immersive spring and fall virtual conferences in each category. Additionally, OnConferences hosts an executive-level leadership course and a distinguished awards program, recognizing top executives in each field through a peer-to-peer voting process. Our community is predominantly composed of C-Level and VP-Level leaders from prominent organizations globally.