11:00AM - 11:45AM
Future-proofing the CMO Role: How top marketers can demonstrate true value to their most critical stakeholders.
The problem: The key stakeholders of a CMO are typically the CEO and the Board. Yet these two key audiences generally don’t ‘get’ the CMO’s value. HBR found that 80% of large enterprise CEOs don’t trust or are unimpressed by their CMOs. Deloitte found that only 26% of CMOs are invited to Board meetings regularly and only 3% of Board members have Marketing experience.
Why this matters: Job security. Spencer Stuart found that CMOs have the shortest tenure in the C-Suite: currently averaging 41 months.
The underlying issue to fix: While CMOs have built their entire careers on the ability to create powerful value propositions for their products and their companies, they have never turned that lens on themselves. They need to ensure that the message they’re putting out to their key stakeholders resonates, has value and drives the outcome they want.
The discussion: What topics should be top of the CMO’s agenda, hitting two key criteria:
A topic that lays squarely in Marketing’s remit – so you and your team have the skills, but also so you’re not fighting with other groups for ownership. A topic that makes your CEO put down his/her phone and pay full attention.

11:45AM - 12:00PM
Covid Hobby

12:00PM - 12:45PM
Brand Marketing
Fred Ehle, Chief Growth Officer at Jockey International will lead an interactive session that addresses some of the top areas of interest and challenge of the participants. Fred will engage the group to share thoughts, ideas, successes and failures, and benchmark top issues.

12:45PM - 1:15PM
1:15PM - 2:00PM
Deploying a Smarter Marketing Playbook to Drive Meaningful Growth
This session will discuss the application of data-driven and outcome-oriented marketing strategies to drive meaningful growth. Frameworks discussed will enable marketers to optimize performance through a deep understanding of the target audience, making a compelling case to drive deeper client engagement, and integrating marketing and sales across the customer journey. The Smarter Marketing Playbook that will be shared is industry agnostic and can elevate growth across all industries.

Chief Marketing and Graduate Enrollment Officer, and Professor of Marketing
University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business

2:00PM - 2:15PM
Top Shows, Movies, Documentaries People Are Watching

2:15PM - 3:00PM
Customer Experience
Customer Experience-Highlights and impact from 2020 on Customer Experience, Customer Expectations post pandemic and Predictions for the Future of Customer Experience 2021

3:00PM - 3:15PM
Pet Show/Share

3:15PM - 4:00PM
Building Authentic Connections: Going the Nautical Mile
In an area of big data and artificial intelligence, how do we create unique and authentic connections with our patrons (or how can you create unique and authentic connections with your customers) by going the “Nautical Mile”. How we focus on the journey and the experience as much as the purchase.

11:00AM - 11:45AM
Change Management
Navigating organizational change? Change within an organization is essential to retain a competitive edge and stay relevant in your industry. Reduce uncertainty and overcome resistance by shifting the way your employees view change. With high-quality change management techniques in place, your projects are significantly times more likely to meet benchmarks than with leaders that fail to effectively manage both people and processes. Join us for an interactive and lively discussion on how to successfully lead your organization to meet new goals and deliver powerful results!

11:45AM - 12:00PM
2021 Goals/Resolutions (Personal or Professional)

12:00PM - 12:45PM
Data, Privacy & Trust
With a growing number global privacy regulations, a strategic approach to privacy compliance is a given in most organizations. To respond to changing customer expectations around data management, security, and protection, brands need to be ready to educate their customers about their privacy programs to build trust with their audiences. In this session, we’ll discuss marketer's roles in privacy programs, building trust and loyalty, and the KPIs that marketers should use to measure their success.

12:45PM - 1:15PM
1:15PM - 2:00PM
Beyond High Performance, How to Make your Team High Value Creating and Become the Role-Model for your Enterprise.
Steven Bushong will lead an interactive session that addresses these key questions:
How are you and your enterprise measuring/evaluating the performance of your team today?
How would you like the value of your team to be measured?
What are the challenges you have in making the shift? What are the challenges you have in getting there?
Steven will also share his thoughts and expertise around the topic.

2:00PM - 2:15PM
Best Thing I've Ever Ate

2:15PM - 3:00PM
Leading Global Teams Now and In the Future
Remote leadership during the pandemic has converted all managers into “global” leaders. As most of us have been physically separated from our teams, we are all managing teams and servicing clients in different geographies. With 2020 being a year chock full of differing views throughout the US, we are all leading with increased sensitivities to cultural differences, once only required by those managing a truly global team. This session will address some of the challenges we have overcome and give time to discuss the pivots that the pandemic and work-from-home has required. Questions posed will seek to raise common challenges we all continue to face, and present realistic solutions attendees can then customize and adopt to improve their management of their remote teams, global or local.

3:00PM - 3:15PM
Post COVID Travel Plans – Share favorite travel places, plans, or seek ideas.

3:15PM - 4:00PM
The Third-Party Cookie Apocalypse Is Coming
Why a First-party Data Strategy is Crucial to Providing a Stellar Customer Experience.

7:30pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Waiting Room Opens & 30 Minute Countdown Begins *Refer to the meeting link in the calendar invite.
7:55pm Eastern
Webcams Are Encouraged To Be Turned On At This Time
8:00pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Start & Opening Remarks
Awards Presenters:
Heidi Arkinstall | CMO | Logitech International
Fred Ehle | Chief Growth Officer | Jockey International
Lisa Veith | SVP New Markets and Marketing Communications | MAXIMUS Federal
Jackie Stone | CMO | LiveXLive
Eric Herzog | CMO and VP of Global Storage Channels
Leah MacMillan | CMO | Trend Micro
Timothy Bohling | Chief Marketing and Graduate Enrollment Officer, and Professor of Marketing | University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business
Dara Royer | SVP/CMO | Syracuse University
Katharine Mobley | CMO | First Advantage
Kari Janavitz | CMO | TE Connectivity
Quinn O'Brien | VP, Global Marketing | Lenovo
9:00pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Conclusion. *We will try to conclude the awards ceremony as close to 9pm as possible, but it is possible that we conclude before or after 9pm Eastern.