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MONDAY, MAY 23, 2022

11:00AM - 11:45AM EASTERN



The CFO Role and Relations with the Board

An interactive discussion on the CFO role and relations with the board.

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Stephen Lasher


Vonage Holdings


11:45AM - 12:00PM EASTERN



Hometown & First Job Skill That You Use Today

Participants will share where they are from, their first job, and a skill/takeaway that they still use today learned from that job.

12:00PM - 12:45PM EASTERN



The Evolving Role of the Office of the CFO

"Managing costs, growing revenue, and ensuring control have always been critical priorities for the CFO. However, the past two years have taught business leaders that the Office of the CFO must change in order to navigate future economic uncertainty, increased regulatory requirements, and investor scrutiny. To meet these changing demands, CFOs are embracing their roles as strategists and evolving into architects of business transformation—they’re leaning into their new role as “catalysts for change.” How CFOs drive value in the future will depend on which strategic initiatives they choose to focus on to unlock hidden value and scalability, including investing in digital transformation.

Learning Objectives:

  • How the role of the CFO has changed from financial steward to strategic value driver 

  • How technology can strategically enable the finance organization

  • Top 3 criteria to consider when evaluating new finance solutions"


Alex Cedro

VP of Finance



12:45PM - 1:15PM EASTERN



1:15PM - 2:00PM EASTERN



Technology and Finance Innovation


Recent innovations in technology, particularly in a post-COVID environment, have accelerated the implementation of process automation, RPA and predictive analysis for the finance function across all industries.  In this interactive session, we’ll share best practices, common errors as well how to address the heavy lift of change management related to the adoption of these new processes.

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Hilla Sferruzza

Chief Financial Officer, EVP

Meritage Homes

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2:00PM - 2:15PM EASTERN



Favorite Vacation Spot

Participants will share their favorite vacation spot (and something they like about it), and place(s) they'd like to go next.

2:15PM - 3:00PM EASTERN



How Aggressive Vendor Tactics are Threatening Your Financial Stability

A collection of factors is creating unpredictable IT costs. These include

Cloud Transformation
Onerous contractual terms
Vendor policy traps

To manage this, companies need more than a transactional approach measured by one-off discounting. Companies must have…

Holistic Contractual approach beyond the deal in front of you.
License Compliance
Technical alternatives
Subject Matter Expertise

Companies who manage these factors successfully will be at a financial and competitive advantage to their peers.

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Craig Guarente

CEO & Founder

Palisade Compliance

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3:00PM - 3:15PM EASTERN



Two Truths and a Lie

Participants will share 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves. Other participants will try to guess the lie.

3:15PM - 4:00PM EASTERN



Impacts of Supply Chain and Inflationary Pressures: Building on Lessons Learned From the Past Two Years to Develop Strategies for the Future.

All industries have been affected by supply chain delays and cost increases of materials, products, labor, and components thereof. In designing and building large manufacturing plants and warehouse/distribution facilities across the U.S., the KBD Group has faced these challenges, but is also constantly making adjustments because the business landscape is changing daily.


Bona Allen will describe strategies the KBD Group has developed over the last two years to achieve record revenues and profits, and will lead an interactive discussion focused on successes, lessons learned, and how participants are preparing for the future as we face ongoing challenges.

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Bona Allen

Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Kajima Building & Design Group, Inc.


TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2022

11:00AM - 11:45AM EASTERN



Finance Talent: Evolving Strategy and Winning the War

The war for talent wages on, making it increasingly more difficult to attract, hire, and retain the right finance talent for your organization. Does your organization have the right strategy to win the war? Do you still approach the war with the same tactics you have used for the past 10-20 years? In this session, we will explore the need to evolve talent strategy in the finance function to ensure finance organizations are winning the war at home (retaining key talent and evolving skill sets to the changing dynamic of the function) and winning the war “abroad” (attracting the best talent in a highly competitive market).

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Kevin Ostertag

VP and Chief Financial Officer

Panasonic Automotive

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11:45AM - 12:00PM EASTERN



Bucket List Item

Participants will share a bucket list item that they'd like to accomplish, and/or one that was recently accomplished.

12:00PM - 12:45PM EASTERN



It’s time for CFOs to become Agents of Change (Change Management)

Change is good, but it can sometimes be painful. How can financial leaders prepare their companies for adoption of new technologies – specifically, AI technologies - as they continue on their journey to digital transformation? What kind of best practices can they use – open communication, training, new job opportunities, etc. – to make the transition as positive as possible? What kind of “higher level” tasks can accounting professionals take on, now that AI has freed up so much of their time?


Joerg Joergensen

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12:45PM - 1:15PM EASTERN



1:15PM - 2:00PM EASTERN


Cybersecurity Strategy, Risks, and Compliance

Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT concern – it’s a CFO, CEO, and board priority. During this session, we will explore the CFO’s role in investing in an organization’s preparedness, resiliency, and responsiveness in the face of new threats, changing regulations, and increased board-level scrutiny.

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Brian Carolan



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2:00PM - 2:15PM EASTERN



Share a Background Image

Participants will share a background image with the group, and talk briefly about it. This can be a pet, enjoyed activity, family member, hometown, vacation spot, etc. 

2:15PM - 3:00PM EASTERN



Payroll: Beyond the Paycheck.

Learn how the powerful and often life-changing benefit of On-Demand Pay can help to retain your employees and keep them happy, all while reducing the administrative burden of payroll.


Michael Baer

DailyPay Special Advisor


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Collin Thomas

Strategic Partnership Advisor


3:00PM - 3:15PM EASTERN



Get to Know Your Peers: Share Things You Like to do for Fun Outside of Work

Participants will share things they like to do for fun outside of work (hobbies, outside activities, musical instruments, cooking, pets, kids, etc.).

3:15PM - 4:00PM EASTERN



The Evolving Forecasting Strategy for the CFO

This session will challenge the old school thinking around an annual budget done in Q4 and followed by quarterly forecasts throughout the year. What if your industry doesn’t follow the traditional calendar?  What if the pandemic changed your business so much that the old way is now just an academic exercise?  We will explore new ways to look at the business and model it so we can see better into the future and help guide and shape the business strategy in more proactive and better ways.  


Brett Abbey

Chief Financial Officer

Mob Scene 




7:30pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Waiting Room Opens & 30 Minute Countdown Begins *Refer to the meeting link in the calendar invite.


7:55pm Eastern
Webcams Are Encouraged To Be Turned On At This Time


8:00pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Start & Opening Remarks


Awards Presenters: 

  1. Bona Allen | Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer | Kajima Building & Design Group, Inc. 

  2. Nicole Milnthorpe | Chief Financial Officer | Smokey Bones Bar & Fire Grill

  3. Marc Nakagawa | CFO | Magnolia Regional Health Center

  4. Amy Huerta | Chief Financial Officer | Amherst H. Wilder Foundation

  5. Alexis Bocanegra | CFO | Transgas

  6. Srida Joisa | CFO, COO | Drishti Technologies, Inc.

  7. Karen Friar | CFO | Benco Dental

  8. Jayashree Ganesan | CFO | The Centers for Habilitation

  9. Hilla Sferruzza | Chief Financial Officer, EVP  | Meritage Homes

  10. Brett Abbey | Chief Financial Officer | Mob Scene 


9:00pm Eastern
Awards Ceremony Conclusion. *We will try to conclude the awards ceremony as close to 9pm as possible, but it is possible that we conclude before or after 9pm Eastern. 


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